Adding up the affirmations--Write to Make it Right

By: Jimmie Sykes

Affirmations are more powerful than requests, for they remind you that you already have what you seek.
— Alan Cohen
Be the change you want to see.

You know, I started this platform back when I was young and inexperienced. It was a time where things were much different than it is now. I slowly transitioned away from traditional posting things like this because I felt I already said what was needed to be said. It’s all still there too.

Life does this thing where it knocks you down, then brings you right back around. The only difference is, throughout aging, these knockdowns start to take their toll even more. Add a pandemic on top of that. If you were never had a lot on your plate, you do now. Let’s all welcome COVID-19 to the stage, front and center.


An unfortunate time period that’s tearing so many families apart, shutting businesses down, and some more mess. Leaning on people for motivation or encouragement is getting tougher than ever. Let us face the music with this one. People have their own problems going on.

If you still have those people that push and motivate you throughout everything, give them all their flowers. I feel as if this time period is calling for us to dig deeper inside ourselves. One way I’ve been trying to do that this month is by trying to add up the affirmations and positive information I can present to myself.

For example, today is Oct. 14. On the 14th day, I would be telling myself either 14 positive affirmations or looking for 14 sources of useful information I can present to myself. On the 15th, I’ll do the same. Try to do that throughout every day of the month. This is the first month I’ve been up for something like this. This exercise gives help to self-discipline and perception of life. It can also push me towards other things I didn’t know were attainable.

Don’t be afraid to convince yourself of YOUR worth.


The ability to learn something also covers the ability to learn from your mistakes. Also, don’t be afraid to question the negativity that comes your way. Make sure you single the negativity out. Know it just as well as you know of all the positives that you’re working towards.

A few things you can tell yourself daily:

  • I will be open to better thoughts and ideas.

  • I won’t let my current mood make me forget who I am.

  • I will get this goal for myself (Short/long term).

A few things that are useful information for you:

  • Helpful information involving your passions and interests in life.

  • New activities you can present to your friends and family for leisure.

  • Good news and feel-good stories.

You can even challenge yourself to contact 14 people out of your contact list and just ask them how are they doing. Try to compliment 14 people or present something useful to them (or whatever the day of the month it is). Tell someone you love them, you miss them, spend some time catching up.

In the end, people will remember what you said or did for them anyway. Don’t treat kind offers like a business though. Kindness and generosity is given best with nothing to gain.

Speak out or write down whatever it is you want to work on. I’m still in the process of making this a habit for me. I just wanted to share this because these results showed gave me a chance for better moods in these two weeks.

Affirmations towards your subconscious before you sleep

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What we choose to tell our thoughts or what infiltrates our thoughts play a huge part in who we are. All the way down to you getting ready for bed might be the best time for you to tell yourself something good.

Our subconscious is active all day, but when you sleep it goes into full operation mode. Give your goals and what you want out of life some reflection before you close your eyes. Just don’t let it drain you out.

Give how far you’ve come some thought, give yourself credit for getting through. Something that helped pushed me along the way is understanding that I’m currently living through the days I’ve always talked about. At this point, it’s not much to talk about. It is more important to keep actions fueled with the necessary affirmations and information that can help me more than anything.

In conclusion, I just wanted to add something that helped me as well as it can help others. Sometimes our days drag, sometimes our well runs dry. Pour back into yourself. This was just something for those that may need to string their days a little tighter. Stay up and work towards keeping your best foot forward.

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